Why did I choose my major?
When I was a little girl I wanted to be a supermarket cashier or a farmer, I loved playing supermarket and farm with my sister, then I grew up and realized that these jobs weren't as fun as I thought. I really had many options to study, such as medicine, law, art and architecture, I finally decided to study dentistry because of the scores I got in the PDT and I really like my career.
Since I was a kid I knew that I wanted to help others, which was also influential in my decision to study dentistry. I want to have a social role in this society where I can help others.
In relation to my experience at the university, it has been good and exhausting, you have to study a lot and that exhausts me and there are days when I feel discouraged, however, the people I have met during the 2 years of my degree have been incredible. and they make me have a good time in college.
Hi Javi, great blog! It's so interesting