How college consumed my life

 Hi my friends!, today I am going to talk about a very important topic in my life; College. As everyone knows, I study dentistry at the University of Chile, a fact that changed my life, how this changed mi life? WELL..... 

First of all, I knew what MENTAL HEALTH is, at school I had mental health, I didn't have anxiety or have to take "melipass" before a test, I feel that the fact of studying such a demanding career radically changed my way of thinking and how I deal with situations. I discovered that mental health corresponds to a pillar in my life and everyone's life, the fact of being able to "take care of it" is very difficult every time we become more adults and have more responsibilities. 

During the first year of university, my mental health practically did not exist, which is why I have learned during this second year how to carry the academic load that this degree demands of me, but it is still difficult. I still have a hard time processing that NOT everything is studying and that I have the RIGHT to have a good time, its like a intern battle wiht myself. 

For example, this weekend I went camping with my friends and I had a good time, I felt that I deserved it.

me and my best friend having a good time 



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